Frozen English to Spanish Translation

Frozen (English) Frozen (in Spanish)


1. (English)

Frozen (frozen) – (congelado)

— The water is frozen solid.

2. (Spanish)

Congelado (frozen)

— El agua está congelada.

Synonyms for Frozen

freezing – congelación 🔊 iced – helado 🔊 chilled – enfriado 🔊 glazed – glaseado 🔊 crystallized – cristalizado 🔊

Antonyms for Frozen

warm – caliente 🔊 mild – tibio 🔊 hot – caloroso 🔊 sensitive – sensible 🔊 liquid – líquido 🔊

Examples of Frozen

The snow is frozen.El hielo está congelado.
The food is frozen.El alimento está congelado.
The plant is frozen.La planta está congelada.

Common Phrases

“Frozen in fear”“Congelado de miedo”
“Frozen out”“Congelado afuera”
“Freezing cold”“Helado, frío”

Conjugations for “Frozen

Presentfroze, freezes, freeze, freezing, frozen
Pastfroze, froze, froze, freezing, frozen
Futurewill freeze, will be freezing, will be frozen, will freeze, will be frozen

Word of the Day

Frozen – frozen

Usage: The lake is frozen in the winter.