Failure English to Spanish Translation

Failure (in English) 🔊
Fracaso (in Spanish) 🔊



Failure (n) (a lack of success or achievement)

— The company’s failure to deliver on time resulted in significant losses.


Failure (v) (to be unsuccessful or to fail)

— The team failed to score in the game.


Failure (n) (a person or thing that fails or is unsuccessful)

— The failure of the project led to a significant loss of funding.

Synonyms for Failure

Fiasco – Fracasos 🔊 Failed – Fallido 🔊 Lack of success – Ausencia de éxito 🔊 Disaster – Desastre 🔊 Insuccess – Insucesso 🔊 Mishap – Desafortunado 🔊 Blunder – Estupidez 🔊

Antonyms for Failure

Success – Éxito 🔊 Achievement – Logro 🔊 Complete success – Éxito completo 🔊 Satisfaction – Satisfacción 🔊 Realization – Realización 🔊 Total success – Logro total 🔊

Examples of Failure

The new product was a failure in the market.El nuevo producto fue un fracaso en el mercado.
The team failed to qualify for the championship.El equipo no consiguió calificar para el campeonato.
The company’s failure to deliver on time resulted in penalties.El fracaso de la empresa para entregar a tiempo llevó a penas.
He failed his driving test for the third time.Él no superó su examen de conducir por tercera vez.
The project failed to meet its goals.El proyecto no alcanzó sus objetivos.

Common Phrases

“To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail”“No prepararse es prepararse para fracasar”
“Failure is not the opposite of success”“El fracaso no es el opuesto del éxito”
“Success often results from failure”“El éxito a menudo surge del fracaso”
“To fail is to learn”“Fracasar es aprender”

Conjugations for “Failure

Presentfail, fails, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail
Pastfailed, failed, failed, failed, failed, failed, failed
Futurewill fail, will fail, will fail, will fail, will fail, will fail, will fail

Word of the Day

fracaso – failure

Usage: The team’s failure to score in the game was a disappointment. – El fracaso del equipo para anotar en el juego fue un desafío.