Expenditure English to Spanish Translation




1. (Financial) (General)

a. It is the amount of money spent or used for a particular purpose.

— The company expected to incur expenditure of $10,000 for the next quarter.

2. (Business) (General)

b. It refers to the costs or expenses incurred by a business for a specific period.

— The company reported a significant expenditure on marketing campaigns last year.

Synonyms for Expenditure

Expense – Gasto 🔊 Disbursement – Desembolso 🔊 Cost – Costo 🔊 Spending – Gasto 🔊 Expense – Gasto 🔊

Antonyms for Expenditure

Income – Ingreso 🔊 Earning – ganancia 🔊 Profit – Beneficio 🔊 Repayment – Reembolso 🔊 Savings – Ahorro 🔊

Examples of Expenditure

The company’s expenditure on research and development was significant.La empresa gastó una cantidad importante en investigación y desarrollo.
The government is cutting expenditure to reduce the deficit.El gobierno está reduciendo los gastos para reducir el déficit.
The company’s expenditure on marketing campaigns was too high.La empresa gastó demasiado en campañas publicitarias.
The organization is facing financial difficulties due to excessive expenditure in previous years.La organización enfrenta dificultades financieras debido al gasto excesivo en los años anteriores.

Common Phrases

“To keep tabs on one’s expenditure”“Tener el control de gastos”
“To cut back on expenditure”“Reducir gastos”
“To make ends meet by reducing expenditure”“Arreglar el gasto para lograr mantenerse”

Word of the Day

Expenditure – Expenses or funds spent or used for a particular purpose.

Example: The company incurred significant expenditure on new equipment last year.
Spanish translation: La empresa incurrió en la mayoría de los gastos en nuevos equipos el año pasado.