English To Spanish

Shoot English to Spanish Translation

Here is the bilingual HTML translation for the word ‘Shoot’ from English to Spanish: **Word** English: Shoot Spanish: Disparar (pronounced: /diˈspaɾaɾ/) **Definition** English: 1. To throw or propel a projectile, typically with the intention of harming or hitting a target. 2. Slang: To take a shot, usually a romantic or flirtatious one. Spanish: 1. Ejectar

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Shipping English to Spanish Translation

Definitions 1. (Business and Commerce) (General) a. envío (m) (The package will be shipped today.) — El paquete se enviará hoy. 2. (Nautical) (General) b. navegar (v) (The ship will set sail tomorrow.) — El barco zozobrará mañana. 3. (Ferries and Container Shipping) (General) c. línea de envío (f) (The shipping line connects multiple cities.)

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Shining English to Spanish Translation

Word: Shining Definitions English a. shining (adjective) (Giving off or reflecting light; radiant) — The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky. Spanish a. brillante (adjective) (Dando o reflejando luz; radiante) — El sol brillaba con intensidad en el cielo azul claro. Synonyms for Shining resplandeciente – resplandeciente 🔊 luminescente – luminescente 🔊

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