English To Spanish

Urology English to Spanish Translation

Urology (English) 🔊Urología (Spanish) 🔊 Word Urology (English) Urología (Spanish) Pronunciation: /juˈrɒlədʒi/ (English) /u.ro.ˈli.ɣa/ (Spanish) Definitions English 1. The branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and diseases of the urinary tract and the male reproductive organs. — He specialized in urology and performed surgeries to correct urinary tract problems. Spanish

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Urgent English to Spanish Translation

Definitions 1. (Urgent situation) (General) a. urgente (m/f) (Something that requires immediate attention or action.) — El paciente requiere atención médica urgente. 2. (Sudden and severe) (General) b. emergente (m/f) (A sudden and severe problem that requires immediate attention.) — El problema emergente requiere una respuesta inmediata. Synonyms for Urgent urgent – urgente Emergency –

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Unpredictable English to Spanish Translation

Definitions 1. (Not Predictable) (General) Unpredictable (a., adj.) (Having unpredictable actions, results, or behavior.) — Her unpredictable behavior often causes surprise. 2. (Not Expected) (General) Unpredictable (adv.) (In an unpredictable manner.) — The election result was unpredictable. Synonyms for “Unpredictable” inconstant – inconstante 🔊 impredecible – impredecible 🔊 azaroso – azaroso 🔊 fortuito – fortuito

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