English To Spanish

Neglect English to Spanish Translation

Neglect (in English) 🔊 Descuidar (in Spanish) 🔊 Definitions 1. (General) (General) Neglect (The act of paying no attention to something that requires attention.) — It’s neglect on the part of the government to ignore the needs of the environment. 2. (Psychology) (General) Neglect (To fail to provide necessary care, attention, or support.) — The

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Narrow English to Spanish Translation

Narrow (in English) 🔊 Estrecho (in Spanish) 🔊 Definitions 1. (English) (General) Narrow – Estrecho (not wide or broad) — The narrow passage made it difficult for us to walk through. 2. (Spanish) (General) Estrecho – Narrow (not wide or broad) — El estrecho pasillo nos hizoéš¾quedarnos andar. 3. (Mathematics) (General) Narrow – Estrecho (having

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