Elicit English to Spanish Translation

Elicit(in English) 🔊
Provocar (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Verb) (General)

Elicit means to draw out or obtain something, often in a subtle or indirect way.

— The detective tried to elicit a confession from the suspect.

2. (Verb) (To Obtain or Extract) (General)

Provocar means to cause or induce something to happen or to obtain information or feelings.

— El detective intentó provocar una confesión del sospechoso.

3. (Verb) (To Bring Out or Disclose) (General)

Elicit means to bring out or disclose something, often in a subtle or indirect way.

— The therapist tried to elicit feelings of anger from her patient.

4. (Verb) (To Obtain Information) (General)

Provocar means to obtain information or feelings by inducing or causing something to happen.

— El periodista intentó provocar una reacción emocional en el testigo.

Synonyms for Elicit

Provocar – provocar 🔊 Inducir – inducir 🔊 Suscitar – suscitar 🔊 Desencadenar – desencadenar 🔊 Conseguir – conseguir 🔊

Antonyms for Elicit

Reprimir – reprimir 🔊 Ocultar – ocultar 🔊 Borrar – borrar 🔊 Ignorar – ignorar 🔊 Desconocer – desconocer 🔊

Examples of Elicit

The detective tried to elicit a confession from the suspect.El detective intentó provocar una confesión del sospechoso.
The therapist tried to elicit feelings of anger from her patient.La terapeuta intentó provocar sentimientos de ira en su paciente.
The teacher tried to elicit a reaction from the student.El maestro intentó provocar una reacción del estudiante.
The journalist tried to elicit information from the witness.El periodista intentó provocar información del testigo.

Common Phrases

(“Elicit a reaction from someone”)(“Provocar una reacción en alguien”)
(“Elicit feelings or emotions”)(“Provocar sentimientos o emociones”)

Conjugations for “Elicit

Presentyo elico, tú elicitas, él/ella/usted elicia, nosotros/nosotras elicimos, vosotros/vosotras elicís, ellos/ellas/ustedes elican
Pastyo elicité, tú eliciste, él/ella/usted elicío, nosotros/nosotras elicimos, vosotros/vosotras elicisteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes elicieron
Futureyo eliciré, tú elicirás, él/ella/usted elicirá, nosotros/nosotras eliciremos, vosotros/vosotras eliciréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes elicirán

Word of the Day

Elicit – to draw out or obtain something, often in a subtle or indirect way.

Usage: The detective tried to elicit a confession from the suspect. – El detective intentó provocar una confesión del sospechoso.