District English to Spanish Translation



District – Distrito (m) (A district is a geographic area with specific boundaries and governance.)

A district is a geographically defined area that is often governed by a local authority, public transportation system, or law enforcement agency. It may be a part of a larger city, town, or county.

— El distrito donde vivo es muy seguro.

(Urban Planning)

District – Barrio (m) (A neighborhood or district in a city.)

In urban planning, a district refers to a specific geographic area within a city that is often characterized by its own unique culture, architecture, or community.

— El barrio histórico es un lugar turístico muy popular.

Synonyms for District

district – distrito neighborhood – barrio urban area – urbanización category – categoría area – área

Antonyms for District

landscape – paisaje region – región community – comunidad locality – localidad department – departamento

Examples of District

The mayor is responsible for the District council.El alcalde es responsable del honorable de distrito.
The District court ruled in favor of the plaintiff.El tribunal de distrito dictaminó a favor del demandante.
The city is divided into several Districts.La ciudad está dividida en varios barrios.
The District Attorney’s office was investigating the case.La fiscalía del distrito estaba investigando el caso.

Common Phrases

“To be in the same district”“Estar en el mismo distrito”
“To move to a different district”“Mudarse a un distrito diferente”

Conjugations for “District

Presentyo distrito, tú distritos, él/ella/usted distrito, nosotros/nosotras distritos, vosotros/vosotras distritos, ellos/ellas/ustedes distritos
Pastyo distrito, tú distritaste, él/ella/usted distrito, nosotros/nosotras distritos, vosotros/vosotras distritasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes distritos
Futureyo distrito, tú distritos, él/ella/usted distrito, nosotros/nosotras distriaremos, vosotros/vosotras distritareis, ellos/ellas/ustedes distritaran

Word of the Day

District – Distrito (m)

Usage: The new district attorney is making a big impact in the community. – El nuevo fiscal del distrito está haciendo un gran impacto en la comunidad.