Distorted English to Spanish Translation


a. Distorting (Gerund): altering or changing something in a way that distorts its original shape, form, or meaning.

English: To change something in a way that creates a false or misleading impression or distorts its original meaning or form.

b. Distorted (Adjective): changed or altered in a way that distorts its original shape, form, or meaning.

English: Having a different shape or form than its original one, often due to distortion, deformation, or misrepresentation.

Synonyms for Distorted

distortion – la distorsión 🔊 deformation – la deformación 🔊 falsehood – la falsedad 🔊 misrepresentation – la representación falsa 🔊 alteration – la alteración 🔊

Antonyms for Distorted

authentic – auténtico 🔊 truthful – veraz 🔊 exact – exacto 🔊 correct – correcto 🔊 original – original 🔊

Examples of Distorted

The politician’s distorted view of the economy led to a misleading campaign. – El político tenía una visión distorsionada de la economía que llevó a una campaña engañosa.The distorted image on the TV screen was a result of the poor signal reception. – La imagen distorsionada en la pantalla de televisión fue un resultado de la mala recepción del sinyal.

Common Phrases

“Don’t distort the facts”¡No distorsiones los hechos!

Conjugations for “Distorted

Presentyo distorsío, tú distorsías, él/ella/usted distorsia, nosotros/nosotras distorsiamos, vosotros/vosotras distorsíais, ellos/ellas/ustedes distorsian

Word of the Day

distorsionado – distorted

Usage: The artist’s use of distorted forms and shapes added a sense of drama to the painting. – El uso del artista de formas y formas distorsionadas agregó un sentido de drama a la pintura.