Distinguish English to Spanish Translation

Distinguish (in English) 🔊
Distinguir (in Spanish) 🔊


Distinguish (English) / Distinguir (Spanish)

English pronunciation: /dɪsˈtɪŋɡwɪʃ/ (dis-TING-gwiSH)

Spanish pronunciation: /disˈtiŋɣwiɾ/ (dis-TEE-ngweer)


1. (Verb) 1.1. To recognize or identify precisely; to separate or discriminate

to know or recognize the difference between two or more things; to perceive or identify something distinctly

The detective’s ability to distinguish between different scents helped him solve the crime.

Podemos distinguir los diferentes estilos de arquitectura en la ciudad.

2. (Verb) 1.2. To set apart or separate; to make distinct or clear

to separate or distance something from something else; to make something clear or distinct

The teacher helped the students distinguish between the main ideas and supporting details.

El editor trató de distinguir los hechos de las especulaciones en el artículo.

Synonyms for Distinguish

identify – identificar 🔊 recognize – reconocer 🔊 separate – separar 🔊 discern – discernir 🔊 distinguishable – distinguible 🔊

Antonyms for Distinguish

confuse – confundir 🔊 mix – mezclar 🔊 blend – mezclar 🔊 blur – desdibujar 🔊 obscure – obscurecer 🔊

Examples of Distinguish

The detective had to distinguish between the various clues to solve the case.El detective tuvo que distinguir entre las various pistas para resolver el caso.
The teacher helped the students distinguish between the main ideas and supporting details.El profesor ayudó a los estudiantes a distinguir entre las ideas principales y los detalles secundarios.
The artist tried to distinguish her work from others in the gallery.La artista trató de distinguir su obra de las demás en la galería.
The scientist had to distinguish between the different species of plants.El científico tuvo que distinguir entre las diferentes especies de plantas.

Common Phrases

“To make a distinction between two things”“Hacer una distinción entre dos cosas”
“To be distinguished in a certain field”“Ser distinguido en un campo determinado”
“To distinguish between reality and fiction”“Distinguir entre la realidad y la ficción”
“To be distinguished from something or someone”“Ser distinto de algo o alguien”

Conjugations for “Distinguish

Presentdistinguio, distinguís, distingue, distinguimos, distinguís, distinguen
Pastdistinguí, distinguiste, distinguió, distinguimos, distinguisteis, distinguieron
Futuredistinguiré, distinguirás, distinguirá, distinguiremos, distinguíreis, distinguirán

Word of the Day

Distinguir – to distinguish

Usage: El detective trató de distinguir entre las various pistas para resolver el caso.