Dirty English to Spanish Translation

Dirty English: /ˈdɜːr tik/ Spanish: /ˈdiːtʊrjo/**Definition** 1. (Unpleasantly dirty) 1. sucio (m) – having dirt on one’s body or clothes. Example: The child was dirty after playing outside. – El niño estaba sucio después de jugar al aire libre. 2. (Insulting or of poor quality) 2. grosero (m) – used to describe something that is considered unpleasant or of poor quality. Example: His dirty joke offended everyone in the room. – El chiste grosero de él ofendió a todos en la habitación. 3. (Wrong or unjust) 3. sucio (m) – used to describe an action or situation that is considered wrong or unjust. Example: The police officer knew that he was dirty by covering up the evidence. – El oficial de policía sabía que estaba sucio por encubrir la evidencia.**Synonyms** English: – filthy – grimy – seedy – squalid – foulSpanish: – sucio – feo – repugnante – asqueroso – hediondo**Antonyms** English: – clean – pure – pristine – spotless – immaculateSpanish: – limpio – puro – inmaculado – sin mancha – sin marca**Examples** English: – The dirty little boy fell down in the mud. – El niñito sucio cayó en el barro. – The office was dirty and smelly from the trash. – El oficina era sucia y olía mal debido al basurero. – The politician was accused of being dirty in the election. – El político fue acusado de ser sucio en las elecciones.**Common Phrases** English: – “to get dirty” – “hacerse sucio” – “dirty laundry” – “ropa sucia” (referring to secrets or scandals)Spanish: – “todo es sucio” – everything is dirty (saying) – “sucio hasta los huesos” – dirty to the bone (saying)**Conjugations** No conjugations for the verb “dirty”**Word of the Day** DirtySucio (Spanish) Usage: The dirty clothes were put in the washing machine. – Las ropas sucias fueron puestas en la lavadora.