Darling English to Spanish Translation

Darling (English) Querido/a (Spanish)


1. (Slang) (Term of Endearment) (General)

Darling – (A term of endearment used to express affection.)

— She called him Darling and nothing else.

2. (Formal) (Dearest or Beloved) (General)

Darling – (Someone or something cherished or beloved.)

— She is the Darling of the town, everyone loves her.

3. (Poetic) (Sweet or Lovely) (General)

Darling – (A tender or sweet term used to describe something or someone.)

— The Darling rose bloomed beautifully in the garden.

Synonyms for Darling

Beloved – Amado/a Dearest – Querido/a Lovely – Bonito/a Sweetheart – Corazón Sweet Love – Amor dulce

Antonyms for Darling

Hateful – Odioso Disliked – Aborrecido Callous – Insensible Unloved – Inamorado Unpleasant – Desagradable

Examples of Darling

She whispered “Darling” in his ear.Ella susurró “Querido” en su oído.
“Darling, I love you” he said.»Querido, te amo« le dijo.
The Darling of the town was crowned queen.

Common Phrases

“Darling, how are you?”»Querido, ¿cómo estás?«
“Darling, you look beautiful.”»Querido, vous llamas hermosa«

Conjugations for “Darling

Presentyo canto, tú cantas, él/ella/usted canta, nosotros/nosotras cantamos, vosotros/vosotras cantáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes cantan
Pastyo canté, tú cantaste, él/ella/usted cantó, nosotros/nosotras cantamos, vosotros/vosotras cantasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes cantaron
Futureyo cantaré, tú cantarás, él/ella/usted cantará, nosotros/nosotras cantaremos, vosotros/vosotras cantaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes cantarán

Word of the Day

Querido/a – Darling

Usage: She whispered “Querido” in his ear and he blushed. – Ella susurró “Querido” en su oído y él se sonrojó.