Crying English to Spanish Translation

Crying(in English) 🔊
Llorando (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Verbs) (General)

a. cry – llorar (To express strong emotions such as sadness, anger, or pain.)

— She began to cry when she heard the news.

2. (Nouns) (General)

b. crying – llanto (The act of shedding tears, typically as a result of strong emotions.)

— The crying baby was trying to get attention.

3. (Idiomatic Expression) (General)

c. in tears – llorando (Used to describe someone who is crying.)

— She was in tears when she saw the photo.

Synonyms for Crying

cry – llorar 🔊 mourn – plañir 🔊 shout – gritar 🔊 weep – lloriquear 🔊 wail – ufuar 🔊

Antonyms for Crying

laugh – reír 🔊 smile – sonreír 🔊 giggle – girar 🔊 surprise – sorprender 🔊 enchant – encantar 🔊

Examples of Crying

She burst into tears when she heard the news.Se desmayó en sollozos cuando escuchó la noticia.
He sobbed uncontrollably after the funeral.Él lloró sin control después del funeral.
Her heart was breaking, and she began to cry.El corazón le estaba rompiendo, y comenzó a llorar.
He was in tears when he watched the sad movie.Él estaba llorando cuando vio la película triste.

Common Phrases

“It’s just a cry for help.”“Es solo un grito de ayuda.”
“He’s crying over spilled milk.”“Él está llorando por leche derramada.”
“Don’t cry over fallen leaves.”“No llores por hojas que caen.”
“The tears of joy.”“Las lágrimas de la alegría.”

Conjugations for “Crying

Presentyo cito, tú citas, él/ella/usted cita, nosotros/nosotras citamos, vosotros/vosotras citas, ellos/ellas/ustedes citan
Pastyo lloré, tú lloraste, él/ella/usted lloró, nosotros/nosotras lloramos, vosotros/vosotras llorasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes lloraron
Futureyo lloraré, tú llorarás, él/ella/usted llorará, nosotros/nosotras lloraremos, vosotros/vosotras lloraréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes llorarán

Word of the Day

Crying – cry

Usage: She began to crying when she heard the news.