Consensus English to Spanish Translation

Consensus (English) 🔊
Consenso (Spanish) 🔊


1. (General)

a. consensus (noun) general agreement or concurrence.

— There was a consensus among the experts that the new policy would lead to positive changes.

2. (Law)

b. consensus ad idem (phrase) a Latin term meaning ‘agreement for a specific purpose’.

— The parties reached a consensus ad idem on the terms of the agreement.

Synonyms for Consensus

agreement 🔊 accord 👉 acuerdo 🔊 concord 🔊 harmony 🔊 yielding 🔊

Antonyms for Consensus

discord 🔊 difference 🔊 disagreement 🔊 conflict 🔊 disaccord 🔊

Examples of Consensus

The team reached a consensus on the new strategy.El equipo llegó a un acuerdo sobre la nueva estrategia.
The proposal was approved with a consensus on the committee.El proyecto fue aprobado con un acuerdo unánime en el comité.
There was a consensus among the experts that the new policy would lead to positive changes.Existió un acuerdo entre los expertos de que la nueva política llevaría a cambios positivos.
The two companies reached a consensus on the terms of the partnership.Las dos empresas llegaron a un acuerdo sobre los términos de la alianza.

Common Phrases

“Reach a consensus”“Llegar a un acuerdo”
“In consensus”“De acuerdo”
“Consensus decision making”“Tomar decisiones por consenso”

Word of the Day

concierto – consensus

Usage: The team achieved a concierto on the new strategy, allowing them to move forward with the project.