Commemorate English to Spanish Translation

Commemorate (in English) 🔊
Conmemorar (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (to Mark or Honor) (General)

Commemorate (to mark or honor a person, event, or occasion with a ceremony, monument, or other symbol)

— The city will commemorate its founding anniversary with a grand parade and fireworks.

2. (to Recall or Mark) (General)

Commemorate (to recall or mark a past event or occasion in order to honor it)

— We commemorated the 50th anniversary of the historic event with a special ceremony.

3. (to Record or Mark) (General)

Commemorate (to record or mark a person’s achievement or milestone)

— He was commemorated for his outstanding contributions to the field of science.

Synonyms for Commemorate

celebrate – celebrar 🔊 honour – honorar 🔊 recognize – reconocer 🔊 memorialize – memorializar 🔊 commemorable – commemorativo/a 🔊

Antonyms for Commemorate

forget – olvidar 🔊 ignore – ignorar 🔊 dismiss – despreciar 🔊 overlook – pasmar 🔊 neglect – negligenciar 🔊

Examples of Commemorate

The city held a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of the event.La ciudad celebró un ceremonial para conmemorar el aniversario del evento.
He was commemorated for his bravery in battle.Él fue conmemorado por su valor en batalla.
The museum commemorates the life and work of the famous artist.El museo conmemora la vida y obra del famoso artista.
The government commemorates the 50th anniversary of independence.El gobierno conmemora el 50 aniversario de la independencia.
The society commemorates the lives of those who lost their lives in the war.La sociedad conmemora la vida de aquellos que perdieron la vida en la guerra.

Common Phrases

“To commemorate the occasion”“Conmemorar la ocasión”
“Commemorative event”“Evento conmemorativo”
“Memorial to commemorate”“Monumento para conmemorar”

Conjugations for “Commemorate

Presentcommemorate, commemorate, commemorates, commemorate, commemorate, commemorate
Pastcommemorated, commemorated, commemorated, commemorated, commemorated, commemorated
Futurewill commemorate, will commemorate, will commemorate, will commemorate, will commemorate, will commemorate

Word of the Day

Commemorate – to mark or honor a person, event, or occasion with a ceremony, monument, or other symbol

Usage: The city will commemorate its founding anniversary with a grand parade and fireworks.