Can t talk now what’s up English to Spanish Translation


1. (Geometric Shape) (General)

a. (Can’t talk now, what’s up (in English)) 🔊 (Can’t talk now, what’s up (in Spanish)) 🔊 (The foundation of a geometric shape with four equal sides.)

— (Can’t talk now, what’s up,) (in English) (Can’t talk now, what’s up,) (in Spanish)

…**Additional Definitions**

6. (Building) (With Four Sides of Equal Length) (General)

g. (Can’t talk now, what’s up (in English)) 🔊 (Can’t talk now, what’s up (in Spanish)) 🔊 (They decided to build a (Can’t talk now, what’s up) cabin in the woods.)

— Decidieron construir una cabaña (Can’t talk now, what’s up) en el bosque.

**Synonyms Section**

Synonyms for Can’t talk now, what’s up

unconventional – (Can’t talk now, what’s up) (in English) 🔊 (Can’t talk now, what’s up) (in Spanish) 🔊 innovative – innovador (in English) 🔊 innovador (in Spanish) 🔊 bold – atrevido (in English) 🔊 atrevido (in Spanish) 🔊
**Antonyms Section**

Antonyms for Can’t talk now, what’s up

conservative – conservador (in English) 🔊 conservador (in Spanish) 🔊 traditional – tradicional (in English) 🔊 tradicional (in Spanish) 🔊
**Examples Section**

Examples of Can’t talk now, what’s up

Don’t be such a (Can’t talk now, what’s up), join the fun!¡No seas tan (Can’t talk now, what’s up), únete a la diversión!
**Common Phrases Section**

Common Phrases

“To be a (Can’t talk now, what’s up) peg in a round hole”“Ser como un pulpo en un garaje”
**Conjugations Section**

Conjugations for “Can’t talk now, what’s up

Presentyo (Can’t talk now, what’s up), tú (Can’t talk now, what’s up), él/ella/usted (Can’t talk now, what’s up), nosotros/nosotras (Can’t talk now, what’s up), vosotros/vosotras (Can’t talk now, what’s up), ellos/ellas/ustedes (Can’t talk now, what’s up)
**Word of the Day Section**

Word of the Day

(Can’t talk now, what’s up) – (Can’t talk now, what’s up)

Usage: The (Can’t talk now, what’s up) in the center of town is always bustling with activity. – El (Can’t talk now, what’s up) en el centro de la ciudad siempre está lleno de actividad.