Blessed(in English) 🔊
Bendito (in Spanish) 🔊
1. Cognizant of or having some knowledge of God; made happy, prosperous, or successful by God’s favor. (General)
a. bendito (m) (He is blessed with a beautiful family.)
— Es bendito con una familia hermosa.
2. Highly favored or privileged. (General)
b. privilegiado (m) (She is blessed to have such supportive family and friends.)
— Es privilegiada de tener familiares y amigos tan apoyadores.
3. Used to express gratitude or good wishes. (General)
c. ¡bendito sea! (Thank you, bless my soul.)
— ¡Gracias, bendito sea!
4. (Religion) Cognizant of or having some knowledge of God; made happy, prosperous, or successful by God’s favor. (General)
d. bendito (m) (May God bless you.)
— ¡Que Dios te bendiga!
Synonyms for Blessed
Fortunate – bendito 🔊
Prosperous – afortunado 🔊
Privileged – privilegiado 🔊
Happy – feliz 🔊
Content – contento 🔊
Grateful – grato 🔊
Antonyms for Blessed
Cursed – malogrado 🔊
Unfortunate – desafortunado 🔊
Unprivileged – desprivilegiado 🔊
Unhappy – infeliz 🔊
Discontent – descontento 🔊
Ungrateful – desagradecido 🔊
Examples of Blessed
English | Spanish |
He was blessed with a beautiful baby boy. | Era bendido con un bebé boy hermoso. |
She is blessed to have such supportive family and friends. | Es privilegiada de tener familiares y amigos tan apoyadores. |
May God bless you and keep you safe. | ¡Que Dios te bendiga y te mantenga seguro! |
He felt blessed to have a loving wife and two wonderful children. | Se sentía bendito de tener una esposa amorosa y dos hijos maravillosos. |
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness. | Benditos son aquellos que tienen hambre y sed de justicia. |
Common Phrases
English | Spanish |
“God bless you” | “¡Que Dios te bendiga!” |
“Blessed are the poor in spirit” | “Benditos son los pobres de espíritu” |
“Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord” | “Bendito es aquel que viene en nombre del Señor” |
“Blessed are those who mourn” | “Benditos son aquellos que lloran” |
“Blessed are the meek” | “Benditos son los humildes” |
Conjugations for “Blessed“
Tense | Conjugation |
Present | bendito, bendita, bendito, bendimos, bendís, bendidos |
Past | bendí, bendiste, bendió, bendimos, bendisteis, bendieron |
Future | bendiré, bendirás, bendirá, bendiremos, bendireís, bendirán |
Word of the Day
bendito – blessed
Usage: May God bless you. – ¡Que Dios te bendiga!