Bilateral English to Spanish Translation

Bilateral (in English) 🔊
Bilateral (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Biology, Medicine) Bilateral Reflex (English) / Reflejo Bilateral (Spanish)

a. bilateral reflex (A reflex that occurs simultaneously in both sides of the body.)

— The doctor checked for bilateral reflex in the patient.

2. (Sociology) Bilateral Relationship (English) / Relación Bilateral (Spanish)

b. bilateral relationship (A relationship between two parties that involves mutual obligations and reciprocity.)

— The two countries have a bilateral relationship based on trade and diplomacy.

3. (Politics) Bilateral Agreement (English) / Acuerdo Bilateral (Spanish)

c. bilateral agreement (An agreement between two countries on a specific issue or issue.)

— The government signed a bilateral agreement with a foreign country to reduce tariffs.

Synonyms for Bilateral

mutual – mutuo/a 🔊 reciprocal – recíproco/a 🔊 simultaneous – simultáneo/a 🔊 concurrent – concurrente 🔊 corresponding – correspondiente 🔊

Antonyms for Bilateral

unilateral – unilateral 🔊 one-sided – unilateral 🔊 asymmetrical – asimétrico/a 🔊 unequal – desigual 🔊 disparate – dispar 🔊

Examples of Bilateral

The bilateral agreement between the two countries was signed today.El acuerdo bilateral entre los dos países se firmó hoy.
The company has a bilateral relationship with its suppliers.La empresa tiene una relación bilateral con sus proveedores.
The doctor checked for bilateral reflex in the patient.El médico revisó el reflejo bilateral en el paciente.
The government signed a bilateral agreement with a foreign country to reduce tariffs.El gobierno firmó un acuerdo bilateral con un país extranjero para reducir aranceles.

Common Phrases

“Bilateral agreement”“Acuerdo bilateral”
“Bilateral relationship”“Relación bilateral”
“Simultaneous action”“Acción simultánea”
“Mutual benefit”“Beneficio mutuo”

Conjugations for Bilateral

Presentyo doy, tú das, él/ella/usted da, nosotros/nosotras damos, vosotros/vosotras dais, ellos/ellas/ustedes dan
Pastyo di, tú diste, él/ella/usted dio, nosotros/nosotras dimos, vosotros/vosotras disteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes dieron
Futureyo daré, tú darás, él/ella/usted dará, nosotros/nosotras daremos, vosotros/vosotras daréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes darán

Word of the Day

bilateral – bilateral

Usage: The bilateral agreement between the two countries was signed today. – El acuerdo bilateral entre los dos países se firmó hoy.