15 Best Data Science Online Courses For Beginners

What is Data Science? And How Do I Become A Data Scientist?

Data Science is the process in which a data scientist analysis the complete data of a company and finds a way to unlock all the data through data inference, algorithm development, and technology and other techniques.

Basically, the data scientist identifies the data analysis issues and figure out greater opportunities for the company and a lot more. To become a data scientist you’ve to learn data science from online or office instructions. who offer the best online data science courses at an affordable budget with certification.

According to IBM statement , the demand of a Data Scientist has been increased to 28 % from the last 2 years.

What Do Data Scientists Do?

The proper job of a data scientist is given below in point-to-point analysis.

  • Collect all the structured and unstructured data in the right set.
  • Analysis of all the data and figure out how can this data be compromised.
  • Figure out the patterns and trends of the data of organizations.
  • Cleaning the data to increase the space and accuracy of data in the right way.
  • Any other relevant point of a data scientist.

In simple words, The Data Scientist is someone who knows how to interpret data using different types of methods, statistics and machine learning. It took a lot of time to collect data and analysis and find out. How can this data be modified that offers great opportunities to the organization?

What is The Salary of a Data Scientist?

This is the most important point of all the conversation. Data scientist’s average salary is defined by the University of Wisconsin as $95,000. The median salary of a data scientist is $128,800 and if the data scientist is in the managerial role the salary will be $185,000.

So the data scientist starting salary will be approx $95,000 to 120,000.

Data Science Online Course | Complete List of Online Course Available on Web

Data Science Fundamentals – Online Course

1# Lean To Code

The Lean-To-Code also was known as Code Academy. The website has a Data Science course that covers Python, SQL, Data Visualisation and Machine Learning. Here you can also learn the advanced level of coding on Data Science such as Practical Data Cleaning, Lean 3D or Data Analysis With Panda.

2 # Khan Academy

Khan Academy well-knowns for learning to code but lots of people don’t know it also offers online data science courses. However, here you won’t get the complete course in series their different courses of data science such as Scientific method and data analysis (practice) or Analyzing trends in categorical data.

3 # OpenIntro

OpenIntro offers data science courses online free for students. The company’s main goal to provide free data science courses and on their website you can found complete series of videos, books, PDF files and a lot more stuff that helps you to learn more about Data Science.

4 # Hackr.IO

Hackr.io offers free and paid data science courses and tutorials. Here you can find more than 21 free data science courses. For a beginner, the website has more than 13 courses and some advanced courses. In case if you’re a beginner and want to know the basis of Data Science then this best platform to learn data science for free.

5# Udemy

Udemy is one of the best and budget-friendly platforms to learn data science. According to Udemy, more than 172K students have taken data science courses from them. There are some best data science courses that I have found Udemy are Machine Learning A to Z with Python & R in data science and The Data Science Courses 2019.

#6 Dataquest

Dataquest is had complete data science course series you can also take a demo of the course for free before paying the fee of the courses. The platform leads you to learn Python, R, SQL, Data Visualisation, Data Analysis and Machine Learning.

#7 Udacity

Machine Learning and Python are hot topics in data science. And Udacity offers these two courses for free on their website. You can easily get these courses to start getting knowledge of data science basis.

8 # IBM

IBM also offers some free basic data science courses through the Cognitive Class blog. Mainly this course covers the introduction of data science, data science tools and data science methodology.

9 # GreyAtom

This platform provides more than 300 hours of data science content for free. However, great also has an advanced level of data science courses that help to learn data science deeply. The courses cover Data Science Master Program, Deep Learning Master Program etc.

10 # Imarticus

The Imarticus covers all the fundaments courses of data science like Data Science with Genpact, Data Analysis and Machine Learning Pro degree.

Getting Started With Data Science

best website for Data Science Online Course

11 # Coursera

Coursera is one of the leading platforms to learn online courses in digital marketing and computer languages and much more. Johns Hopkins University in Coursera offers one of the best online data science courses. Also, recommend by LearnDataSci and Forbes.

The JHU has a great balance of course and series of the curriculum. It best to learn from a beginner to advance skills in data science. This online data science course also has a larger number of reviews of students that complete courses with positive feedback about this course.

12 #  California Institute of Technology Data Science Course

The course covers theory, algorithms, and applications of data science and more. In this course, you get a series of lecture videos of professor Yaser Abu-Mostafa from Caltech that helps you a lot about learning the basics of data science.

13# CS109 Data Science

This course is provided by Harvard and the courses contain all the contents of data science from A to Z. Here you can learn all about data science. However, this is not an interactive program you won’t get any certification to learning. But get the best knowledge about data science from Harvard data science experts.

14 # DataCamp

DataCamp is one of the best data science online course platforms to learn from Beginner to Advanced Level Data Science. This platform has over 200+ courses of data science which all the topics of data science. The courses are provided by the professional professors of universities like Caltech and much more.

#15 EdX

Basically, this course is offered by Microsoft and it’s a professional program certification in Data Science. The course contains all the Data Science processes, Probability and statistics in data science, Data Visualisation, Data Cleaning and a lot more.

However, the students who want to enroll in this course must have knowledge of R or Python. Which are the two most hot topics of data science.