Benevolent English to Spanish Translation

Here is the generated bilingual HTML translation for the word “Benevolent” from English to Spanish:**Word** English: Benevolent Pronunciation: /bɛnəˈvɒlənt/ (ben-uh-vol-ent) Spanish: Benévolo Pronunciation: /ben.eˈβolo/ (beh-neh-voh-loh)**Definition** English: 1. Having or showing a kind and generous disposition: a benevolent dictator. 2. Doing or providing good offices; charitable: benevolent acts. 3. Having or showing a kindly and generous inclination, especially towards people in need.Spanish: 1. Tener o mostrar un carácter amable y generoso: un dictador benévolo. 2. Hacer o proporcionar bienes; caritativo: actos benévolos. 3. Tener o mostrar una inclinación amable y generosa, especialmente hacia las personas necesitadas.**Examples**English: 1. The rich philanthropist was known for his benevolent acts supporting local charities. 2. The hospital is staffed by a team of benevolent professionals who care for the patients. 3. The benevolent ruler worked to improve the lives of his subjects.Spanish: 1. El filántropo rico era conocido por sus actos benévolos que apoyaban a las caridades locales. 2. El hospital cuenta con un equipo de profesionales benévolos que cuidan a los pacientes. 3. El gobernante benévolo trabajó para mejorar la vida de sus súbditos.**Synonyms** English: 1. Generous 2. Kind 3. Charitable 4. Compassionate 5. Philanthropic 6. HumanitarianSpanish: 1. Generoso 2. Amable 3. Caritativo 4. Compasivo 5. Filantrópico 6. Humanitario**Antonyms** English: 1. Malicious 2. Wicked 3. Cruel 4. Heartless 5. Unkind 6. UncharitableSpanish: 1. Malvado 2. Perverso 3. Cruel 4. Inhumano 5. Desagradable 6. Desconsiderado**Common Phrases** English: 1. “To do good, benevolently” Spanish: 1. “Hacer bien, con benevolencia”**Conjugations** (if applicable) N/A**Word of the Day** English: Word of the Day – Benevolent Spanish: Palabra del Día – BenévoloPlease note that I translated the text from English to Spanish, ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the translation.