Barred English to Spanish Translation

Barred (in English) 🔊
Prohibido (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Verb) (General)

a. to bar (something or someone) (to prevent or obstruct something or someone.

— The door was barred from the inside.

2. (Adjective) (General)

b. (something) barred (something that is prohibited or restricted.

— The city is barred to unauthorized vehicles.

3. (Slang) (General)

c. (someone) barred (someone who is excluded or prohibited from doing something.

— John was barred from the event for his behavior.

Synonyms for Barred

Forbidden – prohibido 🔊 Excluded – excluido 🔊 Restricted – restringido 🔊 Prohibited – prohibido 🔊 Denied – denegado/a 🔊 Banned – prohibido/a 🔊

Antonyms for Barred

Allowed – permitido 🔊 Authorized – autorizado/a 🔊 Permitted – permitido/a 🔊 Approved – aprobado/a 🔊 Open – abierto/a 🔊

Examples of Barred

The door was barred by the homeowner.La puerta fue bloqueada por el propietario.
She was barred from the event for her behavior.Ella fue excluida del evento por su comportamiento.
The restaurant is barred to children under 12.El restaurante está prohibido a menores de 12 años.
The tourist was barred from entering the country.El turista fue denegado el permiso para entrar al país.
The new policy bars all employees from using their personal devices for work.La nueva política prohíbe a todos los empleados el uso de sus dispositivos personales para trabajo.

Common Phrases

“Barred from entering the club”“Prohibido el acceso al club”
“Barred from using the facility”“Prohibido el uso del sistema”
“Barred from the country”“Prohibido el acceso al país”

Conjugations for “Barred

Word of the Day

Prohibido – Barred

Usage: El restaurante está prohibido a menores de 12 años. – The restaurant is barred to children under 12.