Barred (in English) 🔊
Prohibido (in Spanish) 🔊
1. (Verb) (General)
a. to bar (something or someone) (to prevent or obstruct something or someone.
— The door was barred from the inside.
2. (Adjective) (General)
b. (something) barred (something that is prohibited or restricted.
— The city is barred to unauthorized vehicles.
3. (Slang) (General)
c. (someone) barred (someone who is excluded or prohibited from doing something.
— John was barred from the event for his behavior.
Synonyms for Barred
Forbidden – prohibido 🔊
Excluded – excluido 🔊
Restricted – restringido 🔊
Prohibited – prohibido 🔊
Denied – denegado/a 🔊
Banned – prohibido/a 🔊
Antonyms for Barred
Allowed – permitido 🔊
Authorized – autorizado/a 🔊
Permitted – permitido/a 🔊
Approved – aprobado/a 🔊
Open – abierto/a 🔊
Examples of Barred
English | Spanish |
The door was barred by the homeowner. | La puerta fue bloqueada por el propietario. |
She was barred from the event for her behavior. | Ella fue excluida del evento por su comportamiento. |
The restaurant is barred to children under 12. | El restaurante está prohibido a menores de 12 años. |
The tourist was barred from entering the country. | El turista fue denegado el permiso para entrar al país. |
The new policy bars all employees from using their personal devices for work. | La nueva política prohíbe a todos los empleados el uso de sus dispositivos personales para trabajo. |
Common Phrases
English | Spanish |
“Barred from entering the club” | “Prohibido el acceso al club” |
“Barred from using the facility” | “Prohibido el uso del sistema” |
“Barred from the country” | “Prohibido el acceso al país” |
Conjugations for “Barred“
Word of the Day
Prohibido – Barred
Usage: El restaurante está prohibido a menores de 12 años. – The restaurant is barred to children under 12.