Alquimia (in English) 🔊
Alquimia (in Spanish) 🔊
AlchemyAlquimia (n)
The art of transforming base metals into gold or silver or of making the ideal of spiritual perfection in man; a power or process of transforming or transmuting.
— Many centuries ago, alchemists sought to turn lead into gold.
AlchemyAlquimia (n)
A medieval science that aimed to convert base metals into gold and to discover the elixir of life; the pursuit of the philosopher’s stone.
— Scholars of alchemy believed that they could turn ordinary substances into gold.
Synonyms for Alchemy
transmutation – transmutación 🔊
transfiguration – transfiguración 🔊
development – desarrollo 🔊
transformation – transformación 🔊
magical method – método mágico 🔊
esoteric science – ciencia esotérica 🔊
Antonyms for Alchemy
natural science – ciencia natural 🔊
logic – lógica 🔊
reasoning – razonamiento 🔊
experimentation – experimentación 🔊
investigation – investigación 🔊
Examples of Alchemy
English | Spanish |
Alchemy is the science of transforming base metals into gold. | La alquimia es la ciencia de transformar metales nobles en oro. |
The alchemist spent years searching for the philosopher’s stone. | El alquimista pasó años buscando la piedra filosofal. |
Alchemy is a medieval science that aimed to convert base metals into gold. | La alquimia es una ciencia medieval que buscaba convertir metales nobles en oro. |
The alchemist claimed to have discovered the elixir of life. | El alquimista aseguró haber descubierto el elixir de vida. |
Common Phrases
English | Spanish |
“The alchemy of love” | “La alquimia del amor” |
“Golden alchemy” | “Alquimia de oro” |
Word of the Day
Alquimia – Alchemy
Usage: The art of alchemy has been shrouded in mystery for centuries. – La arte de la alquimia ha estado envuelta en misterio durante siglos.