Aisle English to Spanish Translation

“Aisle” in English and Spanish


“Aisle” in English

aisle /ˈaɪl/ (noun)

“Pasillo” in Spanish

pasillo /paˈsiʎo/ (masculine noun)


1. (Pathway) (General)

aisle (A narrow passageway between rows of seats or shelves.)

— The flight attendants need to walk down the aisle to serve the passengers.

2. (Shelf in a Store) (General)

aisle (A section of a store where food or other products are displayed on shelves.)

— The new organic food aisle is located on the second floor.

Synonyms for aisle

pathway – sendero 🔊 corridor – pasillo 🔊 shelf – estante 🔊 passageway – pasaje 🔊 narrow path – estrecho camino 🔊

Antonyms for aisle

open space – espacio abierto 🔊 wide area – área amplia 🔊 broad corridor – pasillo amplio 🔊 large space – espacio grande 🔊

Examples of aisle

She walked down the aisle to reach her seat.Camino por el pasillo hasta llegar a su asiento.
The store expanded its aisle to include a new section.La tienda amplió su pasillo para incluir una nueva sección.
Can you please move down the aisle so others can pass?¿Puedes por favor moverte por el pasillo, para que otros puedan pasar?

Common Phrases

“To take a stroll down the aisle”“Tomar un paseo por el pasillo”
“Down the aisle, there’s a sale going on”“En el pasillo hay una venta en curso”

Conjugations for “Aisle

Presenti walk down the aisle, you walk down the aisle, he/she/it walks down the aisle, we walk down the aisle, they walk down the aisle
Pasti walked down the aisle, you walked down the aisle, he/she/it walked down the aisle, we walked down the aisle, they walked down the aisle
Futurei will walk down the aisle, you will walk down the aisle, he/she/it will walk down the aisle, we will walk down the aisle, they will walk down the aisle

Word of the Day

aisle – pathway

Usage: The aisle between the rows of seats was narrow and winding. – El pasillo entre las filas de asientos era estrecho y sinuoso.