Accidentally (inadvertidamente)
(by mistake or unintentionally)
1. (English)
Accidentally (by mistake or unintentionally)
— She accidentally broke the vase.
2. (Spanish)
Inadvertida (by mistake or unintentionally)
— Lo abrió inadvertidamente.
Synonyms for Accidentally
mistakenly – inadvertida
unintentionally – involuntariamente
by mistake – por error
incidentally – incidentalmente
unwittingly – sin intención
Antonyms for Accidentally
intentionally – intencionalmente
deliberately – deliberadamente
planned – planeado
purposely – purpúsamente
on purpose – con propósito
Examples of Accidentally
English | Spanish |
She accidentally broke the vase. | La vajilla se rompió inadvertidamente. |
He accidentally deleted the file. | Él accidentalmente borro el archivo. |
They accidentally left their keys at home. | Los dejaron sus llaves en casa por error. |
Common Phrases
English | Spanish |
“Accidentally on purpose” | “Inadvertidamente con propósito” |
Conjugations for “Accidentally“
Word of the Day
Inadvertidamente – accidentally
Usage: Lo abrió inadvertidamente. – He accidentally opened it.