Chew English to Spanish Translation

Chew (in English) 🔊
Masticar (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Verb) (General)

a. masticar (m) (to chew something, typically food, with the teeth, often repeatedly)

— Ella sigue mascando la goma.

2. (Slang) (To Eat Someone Out) (General)

b. chupar (m) (to eat someone out, often in an aggressive or forceful manner)

— Él la chupa todo el tiempo.

3. (Idiom) (To Waste Time) (General)

c. darle vueltas al ajo (m) (to waste time, often foolishly or fruitlessly)

— No le despidas de tiempo, ¡dale vueltas al ajo!

4. (Dentistry) (General)

d. mastil (m) (a device or tool used for chewing or grinding)

— El mastil ayuda a mantener la dentadura sana.

5. (Psychology) (General)

e. ruminar (m) (to reflect or ponder on something, often deeply or intensely)

— Ella ruminaba sobre su pasado.

Synonyms for chew

chew – masticar 🔊 swallow – tragar 🔊 bite – morder 🔊 gnaw – roer 🔊 crush – moler 🔊 grind – triturar 🔊

Antonyms for chew

to lose appetite – languidecer 🔊 to abstain – abstenerse 🔊 to compress – comprimir 🔊 to extend – extender 🔊 to wait – esperar 🔊

Examples of chew

She likes to chew gum to relax.Le gusta mascar goma para relajarse.
He’s been chewing on that concept all day.Él ha estado dándole vueltas a ese concepto todo el día.
Don’t try to chew through the metal.No trates de tragar el metal.
She’s been ruminating on her past choices.Ella ha estado pensando en sus opciones del pasado.

Common Phrases

“To chew someone off at the ankles”“Chupar a alguien por los tobillos”
“To chew the fat”“Dar vueltas al ajo “
“To chew the rag ““Pasar horas y horas hablando de nada en particular”

Conjugations for “chew
