Amphibians English to Spanish Translation

Here is the bilingual HTML translation for the word “Amphibians” from English to Spanish:**Word**English: Amphibians Spanish: Anfibios Pronunciation: /ˌæmfɪbiˈeɪnz/**Definition**English:* A group of animals that have a life cycle that includes both aquatic and terrestrial phases. * Examples: frogs, toads, salamanders, newts.Spanish:* Grupo de animales que tienen un ciclo vital que incluye ambas fases acuáticas y terrestres. * Ejemplos: ranas, sapo, salamandras, tritones.**Synonyms**English: Amphibians Spanish: Anfibios Synonyms:* English: cold-blooded animals, limbless animals, moist-skinned animals * Spanish: animales sin sangre caliente, animales sin miembros, animales con piel húmedaSynonyms:* English: salamanders, newts, frogs, toads * Spanish: salamandras, tritones, ranas, sapo**Antonyms**English: Amphibians Spanish: Anfibios Antonyms:* English: reptiles, birds, mammals * Spanish: reptiles, aves, mamíferosAntonyms:* English: dry-skinned animals, warm-blooded animals, four-legged animals * Spanish: animales con piel seca, animales con sangre caliente, animales cuadrúpedos**Examples**English:* The pond is home to many amphibians. – El estanque es hogar de muchos anfibios. * Amphibians have a unique life cycle that includes multiple stages. – Los anfibios tienen un ciclo vital único que incluye múltiples etapas. * Frogs are an example of amphibians. – Las ranas son un ejemplo de anfibios.Spanish:* El estanque es hogar de muchos anfibios. * Los anfibios tienen un ciclo vital único que incluye múltiples etapas. * Las ranas son un ejemplo de anfibios.**Common Phrases**English:* Amphibians are an important part of our ecosystem. – Los anfibios son una parte importante de nuestro ecosistema. * The frog is an example of an amphibian. – La rana es un ejemplo de anfibio.Spanish:* Los anfibios son una parte importante de nuestro ecosistema. * La rana es un ejemplo de anfibio.**Conjugations**If applicable, conjugations for the verb “to be” in English and Spanish:English:* I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, you are, they areSpanish:* Yo soy, tú eres, él/ella/usted es, nosotros/as somos, vosotros/as sois, ellos/as son**Word of the Day**English: Amphibians Spanish: Anfibios Definition: A group of animals that have a life cycle that includes both aquatic and terrestrial phases. Usage: The pond is home to many amphibians. – El estanque es hogar de muchos anfibios.Note: The translations are provided in a bilingual format, with the English text on one side and the Spanish translation on the other. The pronunciation is provided in English, as it is not traditionally provided in Spanish. The conjugations are provided if applicable, in both English and Spanish.