Amazing English to Spanish Translation

Here is the bilingual HTML translation for the word ‘Amazing’ from English to Spanish, with the specified sections:**Language**: English and Spanish**Word*** English: Amazing (pronounced /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/) * Spanish: Asombroso (pronounced /asemˈbɾoso/)**Definition*** English: + Extremely impressive or surprising: “The fireworks display was amazing.” + Extremely good or pleasing: “This cake is amazing.” + Very good or excellent: “This book is amazing.” * Spanish: + Muy sorprendente o asombroso: “El espectáculo de fuegos artificiales fue asombroso.” + Muy buen o agradable: “Este pastel es asombroso.” + Muy bueno o excelente: “Este libro es asombroso.”**Synonyms*** English: + Extraordinary + Stunning + Astounding + Incredible + Unbelievable * Spanish: + Asombroso + Increíble + Aterrador + Increíblemente + Asombroso**Antonyms*** English: + Unimpressive + Unspectacular + Unremarkable + Unusual + Uninteresting * Spanish: + Desapreciable + Descriptilo + Desaconocido + Extraño + Aburrido**Examples*** English: + The first time I rode a roller coaster, it was amazing! 🎠 + This new restaurant has amazing food at affordable prices. 🍴 + Her skills in tennis are truly amazing. 🏸 + I was amazed by the beauty of the Grand Canyon. 🏞️ + His sense of humor is amazing. 😂 * Spanish: + La primera vez que monté una montaña rusa, fue asombroso! 🎠 + Este nuevo restaurante tiene comida asombrosa a precios asequibles. 🍴 + Sus habilidades en tenis son verdaderamente asombrosas. 🏸 + Me asombró la belleza del Gran Cañón. 🏞️ + Su sentido del humor es asombroso. 😂**Common Phrases*** English: + That’s amazing! 🎉 + It’s amazing what you can do with a little creativity. 💡 + She’s an amazing artist. 🎨 + His skills are amazing! 🏆 + It’s amazing how quickly technology is advancing. 🚀 * Spanish: + ¡Eso es increíble! 🎉 + ¡Es increíble lo que puedes hacer con un poco de creatividad! 💡 + Ella es una artista asombroso. 🎨 + Sus habilidades son asombrosas! 🏆 + ¡Es increíble cómo rápido tecnología está avanzando! 🚀**Conjugations*** English: No conjugations needed * Spanish: No conjugations needed**Word of the Day*** English: Word of the Day: Amazing (pronounced /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/) Definition: Extremely impressive or surprising Example: “The fireworks display was amazing.” * Spanish: Word of the Day: Asombroso (pronounced /asemˈbɾoso/) Definition: Muy sorprendente o asombroso Example: “El espectáculo de fuegos artificiales fue asombroso.”