Whipped English to Spanish Translation



1. (Cooking) (General)

Whipped – (Past tense of “whip”: to beat or beat quickly)

— The egg was whipped until it was smooth and creamy.

2. (Emotional State) (General)

Whipped – (Invigorated or excited)

— After a good workout, I always feel whipped and energized.

3. (Extreme Version of an Activity) (General)

Whipped – (Done to an extreme degree)

— I whipped through the level so quickly, I didn’t even notice.

Synonyms for whipped

beaten – azotado flipped – revolcado beat up – removido tamed – domado invigorated – excitado stirred – agitado

Antonyms for whipped

relaxed – relajado mellow – suave calm – calmado slow – lento peaceful – apacible serene – sereno

Examples of whipped

The egg was whipped to a fluffy consistency.El huevo se revolcó hasta que quedó con consistencia espumosa.
He was whipped into a frenzy by the loud music.Él se excitó hasta el frenesí por la música fuerte.
I whipped through the menu to find the best deal.Yo revolqué por la carta para encontrar el mejor trato.
She was whipped into a calm state by the gentle music.Ella se calmo hasta el estado pacificador gracias a la música suave.

Common Phrases

“To be whipped into a frenzy”“Ser revolcado hasta el frenesí”
“To whip up a storm”“Revolver un torbellino”
“To be whipped into shape”“Ser revolcado en forma”

Conjugations for “Whipped

Pastwhipped, whipped, whipped, whipped, whipped
Past Participlewhipped

Word of the Day

azotado – beaten

Usage: The athlete was azotado after the intense workout. – El atleta se azotó después del entrenamiento intenso.