Vex English to Spanish Translation

Vex (in English) 🔊
Vexar (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Verb) (General)

a. vexar (to vex) (to cause someone to feel annoyed, frustrated, or upset.)

— Her constant criticism began to vex her colleagues.

2. (Verb) (to Annoy or Displease) (General)

b. vexar (to vex) (to cause someone to feel annoyed or displeased.)

— The customer service representative vexed many customers with their poor communication skills.

3. (Verb) (to Irritate or Bother) (General)

c. vexar (to vex) (to cause someone to feel irritated or bothered.)

— The noise from the construction site began to vex the neighbors.

4. (Verb) (to Harass or Trouble) (General)

d. vexar (to vex) (to cause someone to feel harassed or troubled.)

— The constant phone calls from the debt collector vexed her for weeks.

Synonyms for Vex

Annoy – fastidar 🔊 Irritate – irritar 🔊 Displease – disgustar 🔊 Trouble – molestar 🔊 Harass – acosar 🔊

Antonyms for Vex

Pacify – pacificar 🔊 Please – gustar 🔊 Soothe – consolar 🔊 Calm – calmar 🔊 Settle – tranquilizar 🔊

Examples of Vex

The constant noise vexed me all night.El ruido constante me vexó toda la noche.
The team’s poor performance vexed the coach.El mal desempeño del equipo vexó al entrenador.
The company’s flawed policies vexed its customers.Las políticas defectuosas de la empresa vexaron a sus clientes.
The constant pressure from work vexed her.La presión constante del trabajo la vexó.

Common Phrases

“to vex someone to no end”“fastidiar a alguien sin fin”
“to drive someone vexed”“meterte a alguien de fastidios”

Conjugations for “Vex

Presentyo vexo, tú vexas, él/ella/usted vexa, nosotros/nosotras vexamos, vosotros/vosotras vexáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes vexan
Pastyo vexé, tú vexaste, él/ella/usted vexó, nosotros/nosotras vexamos, vosotros/vosotras vexasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes vexaron
Futureyo vexaré, tú vindarás, él/ella/usted vexará, nosotros/nosotras vexaremos, vosotros/vosotras vindaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes vexarán

Word of the Day

Vexar – to vex

Usage: The constant noise vexed me all night. – El ruido constante me vexó toda la noche.