Tend English to Spanish Translation

Tend (in English) 🔊
Tender (en español) 🔊


1. (To Take Care of or Manage Something) (General)

a. Tend (v) (to attend to or take care of something)

— She tends the garden every weekend.

2. (To Be Oriented or Directed Towards) (General)

b. Tend (v) (to be inclined or directed towards something)

— His career tends to be very competitive.

3. (To Be of a Particular Nature or Quality) (General)

c. Tend (v) (to have a tendency or inclination towards something)

— Children tend to be curious.

4. (Mathematics) (General)

d. Tend (v) (to approach or converge towards a limit or value)

— The function tends towards infinity as x increases.

5. (To Be Careful or Vigilant) (General)

e. Tend (v) (to be cautious or watchful)

— You should tend to the fire so it doesn’t get out of control.

6. (To Cause Something to Happen or Occur) (General)

f. Tend (v) (to cause or influence something to happen or occur)

— Smoking tends to shorten one’s life expectancy.

7. (To Be Associated with or Characterized by) (General)

g. Tend (v) (to be associated with or characterized by something)

— The new policy tends to benefit small businesses.

Synonyms for Tend

tender – tender 🔊 care – cuidado 🔊 attend – atender 🔊 manage – manejar 🔊 direct – dirigir 🔊 incline – inclinar 🔊

Antonyms for Tend

neglect – descuido 🔊 abandon – abandono 🔊 disregard – desconsiderar 🔊 forget – olvidar 🔊 ignore – ignoral 🔊

Examples of Tend

She tends to wake up early in the morning.Ella tiende a despertar temprano por la mañana.
He tends to be very organized.Él tiende a ser muy organizado.
The company tends to increase its profits every year.La empresa tiende a aumentar sus ganancias cada año.
She tends to get nervous before a big presentation.Ella tiende a ponerse nerviosa antes de una gran presentación.
He tends to read more fiction than nonfiction.Él tiende a leer más ficción que no ficción.

Common Phrases

“to tend to one’s needs”“atender a sus necesidades”
“to tend to one’s garden”“cuidar su jardín”
“to tend to one’s duties”“cumplir con sus deberes”
“to tend to one’s health”“cuidar su salud”

Conjugations for “Tend

Presentyo tiendo, tú tiendes, él/ella/usted tiende, nosotros/nosotras tendemos, vosotros/vosotras tiendez, ellos/ellas/ustedes tienden
Pastyo tiendí, tú tiendiste, él/ella/usted tiendió, nosotros/nosotras tendimos, vosotros/vosotras tiendisteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes tiendaron
Futureyo tenderé, tú tenderás, él/ella/usted tenderá, nosotros/nosotras tendremos, vosotros/vosotras tenderéis, ellos/ellas/ustedes tenderán

Word of the Day

Tend – to attend to or take care of something

Usage: She tends to the garden every weekend.