Surge English to Spanish Translation

The company’s profits have surged in the past quarter. – The number of tourists has surged in the last year.El lucro de la empresa ha aumentado bruscamente en el último trimestre. – El número de turistas ha aumentado drásticamente en el último año.
The floodwaters will surge out of the dam once the gates are opened.Las aguas de inundación saldrán desbordadas del dique cuando las compuertas se abran.
The crowd surged forward to get a glimpse of the celebrities.La multitud se acercó bruscamente para ver a los celebridades.
**Common Phrases** |
$urge medical attention$atención médica inmediata
surge in population crecimiento rápido de la población
**Conjugations** | **English** ( Verb: Surge ) |
Presentsurge, surges, surges, surging, surge, surges
Pastsurged, surged, surged, surged, surged, surged
Futurewill surge, will surge, will surge, will surge, will surge, will surge