Stubborn heart English to Spanish Translation

Here is the bilingual HTML translation for the word “Stubborn heart” in English and Spanish:**Word*** English: Stubborn heart * Spanish: Corazón terco * Pronunciation: /ˈstübərn hɑːt/ (stuh-burn hahrt) and /koh-rah-sohn tehr-koh/**Definition*** English: A stubborn heart refers to someone who is unyielding and unwilling to change their opinions or decisions, often due to pride or a strong sense of conviction. It can also describe an individual who holds onto something or someone with an unshakeable determination. * Spanish: Un corazón terco se refiere a alguien que es inflexible y no está dispuesto a cambiar sus opiniones o decisiones, a menudo debido a la orgullosa o una sólida convicción. También puede describir a una persona que se aferra a algo o alguien con una determinación indestructible.**Example Definitions*** English: Examples of a stubborn heart include refusing to accept a loss, clinging to a past relationship, or insisting on doing something despite overwhelming opposition. * Spanish: Ejemplos de un corazón terco incluyen rehusarse a aceptar una derrota, aferrarse a una relación pasada o insistir en hacer algo a pesar de una oposición desproporcionada.**Synonyms*** English: stubborn, obstinate, stubborn-hearted, unyielding, unmovable, intractable * Spanish: terco, obstinado, aparentemente indeciso, inflexible, incólume, intratable**Antonyms*** English: flexible, willing to adapt, open-minded, pliable, willing to compromise, tractable * Spanish: flexible, dispuesto a adaptarse, abierto de mente, maleable, dispuesto a ceder, manejable**Examples*** English: She had a stubborn heart and refused to give up on her dreams, no matter how difficult the road ahead seemed. * Spanish: Ella tenía un corazón terco y se negó a dar marcha atrás en sus sueños, ¡no mattered how difficult the road ahead! * English: His stubborn heart led him to continue fighting for his cause, even in the face of overwhelming opposition. * Spanish: Su corazón terco lo llevó a proseguir luchando por su causa, ¡a pesar de la oposición desproporcionada!**Common Phrases*** English: to have a stubborn heart * Spanish: tener un corazón terco**Conjugations*** English: No applicable conjugations for “stubborn heart” * Spanish: No aplicable conjugaciones para “corazón terco”**Word of the Day*** English: Stubborn Heart – A stubborn heart refers to someone who is unyielding and unwilling to change their opinions or decisions, often due to pride or a strong sense of conviction. * Spanish: Corazón terco – Un corazón terco se refiere a alguien que es inflexible y no está dispuesto a cambiar sus opiniones o decisiones, a menudo debido a la orgullosa o una sólida convicción.Note: The above translation makes best efforts to provide accurate and consistent translations, but please keep in mind that nuances may vary depending on context and cultural references.