Something English to Spanish Translation

Something(in English) 🔊
Algo (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (A thing that exists or happens; a fact or circumstance)

Something (Algo) refers to an object, idea, or situation that is real or true.

— “I found something hidden in the attic.” (“Encontré algo escondido en el desván.”)

2. (A point or item of note)

Something (Algo) can refer to a notable feature or aspect of something.

— “The beauty of the sunset was something to behold.” (“La belleza del atardecer era algo que ver.”)

Synonyms for Something

anything – cualquier cosa 🔊 something – algo 🔊 an item – un ítem 🔊 a thing – una cosa 🔊 a detail – un detalles 📊

Antonyms for Something

nothing – nada 🔊 nothingness – la nada 🔊 silence – el silencio 🔊 void – el vacío 🔊 absence – la ausencia 🔊

Examples of Something

I found something interesting in my backpack.Encontré algo interesante en mi mochila.
This something is really bothering me.Este algo me está fastidiando mucho.
I’m not sure what something is going on here.No estoy seguro de qué algo está pasando aquí.
Something is missing from my memory.
I think I left my something at home.Creo que dejé algo en casa.

Common Phrases

“If something is meant to be, it will be.”«Si algo es destinado a suceder, sucederá».
“Always be ready for something.”«Siempre esté listo para algo».
“You can’t make an omelette without something breaking.”«No puedes hacer un huevo estrellado sin que algo se rompa».
“When something is over, it’s over.”«Cuando algo ha terminado, ha terminado».

Conjugations for “Something

Presentyo algo, tú algo, él/ella/usted algo, nosotros/nosotras algo, vosotros/vosotras algo, ellos/ellas/ustedes algo
Pastyo algoe, tú algoaste, él/ella/usted algoó, nosotros/nosotras algoamos, vosotros/vosotras algoasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes algoaron
Futureyo algoaré, tú algoarás, él/ella/usted algoará, nosotros/nosotras algoaremos, vosotros/vosotras algoaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes algoarán

Word of the Day

Algo – something

Usage: The algo that was missing was a crucial piece of evidence. – El algo que faltaba era un pieza clave del testimonio.