Skeptical English to Spanish Translation

Here is the bilingual HTML translation for the word ‘Skeptical’ from English to Spanish:**Word** English: Skeptical Pronunciation: /skepˈtɪksəl/ Spanish: Esceptical Pronunciation: /eskepˈtikal/**Definition** English: 1. Having doubts or reservations about something; questioning the truth or validity of something. 2. Not easily convinced or persuaded; having a critical or questioning attitude.Spanish: 1. Que tiene dudas o reservas sobre algo; que cuestiona la verdad o la validez de algo. 2. Que no se convence fácilmente o se deja persuadir; que tiene una actitud crítica o cuestionadora.Examples:* He was skeptical about the new diet and decided not to try it. – Él estaba esceptical sobre el nuevo régimen y decidió no intentarlo. * The scientist was skeptical about the claims made by the company. – El científico estaba esceptical sobre las afirmaciones hechas por la empresa.**Synonyms** English: Doubtful, Questioning, Critical, Cautious, Unconvinced Spanish: Dubitativo, Cuestionador, Crítico, Precautorio, No convencido/a**Antonyms** English: Trusting, Believing, Confident, Assured, Convinced Spanish: Confidente, Creyente, Seguro/a, Asegurado/a, Convencido/a**Examples** English: * She was skeptical of the investment opportunity and chose not to invest. – Ella estaba esceptical sobre la oportunidad de inversión y decidió no invertir. * He was skeptical of the claims made by the politician and didn’t vote for him. – Él estaba esceptical sobre las afirmaciones hechas por el político y no votó por él.**Common Phrases** English: “I’m not buying it”, “I don’t believe you”, “I have my doubts about that” Spanish: “No lo creo”, “No te creo”, “Tengo dudas sobre eso”**Conjugations** English: (not applicable) Spanish: (not applicable)**Word of the Day** English: Skeptical Spanish: Esceptical Definition: Having doubts or reservations about something; questioning the truth or validity of something. Usage: The scientist was skeptical about the new discovery and decided to conduct further research. – El científico estaba esceptical sobre el descubrimiento nuevo y decidió realizar investigaciones adicionales.