Shine English to Spanish Translation


1. (To Give Off Light)

Shine (v.) (To give off light; usually in the form of rays, beams, or flashes.)

— The sunlight shone brightly in the garden.

2. (To Radiate or Give Off Energy)

Shine (v.) (To radiate or give off energy, warmth, joy, etc.)

— She shone with happiness when she received the news.

Synonyms for Shine

to gleam – brillar to radiate – resplandecer to glow – reír to sparkle – disparar to illuminate – iluminar

Antonyms for Shine

to darken – oscurizar to extinguish – apagar to dim – deslumbrar to cloud over – llover

Examples of Shine

The diamond shone brightly in the light.El diamante brilló radiante en la luz.
Her eyes shone with excitement.Los ojos le relucieron de emocion.
The city shone brightly at night.La ciudad briló espléndida por la noche.
She shone with confidence.Ella relució con confianza.

Common Phrases

“Shine your light”“Enciende tu luz”
“To shine a light on something”“Echar luz sobre algo”
“Shine like a star”“Brillar como una estrella”

Conjugations for “Shine

Presentyo shineo, tú shines, él/ella/usted shine, nosotros/nosotras shinem, vosotros/vosotras shineis, ellos/ellas/ustedes shinense
Pastyo shiné, tú shiniste, él/ella/usted shinó, nosotros/nosotras shinimos, vosotros/vosotras shinisteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes shinieron
Futureyo shinére, tú shineras, él/ella/usted shinirá, nosotros/nosotras shiniremos, vosotros/vosotras shinireis, ellos/ellas/ustedes shinieran

Word of the Day

brillar – to shine

Usage: The sun shone brightly in the sky. – El sol brilló radiante en el cielo.