Sewn English to Spanish Translation

Here is the bilingual HTML translation for the word “Sewn” from English to Spanish:**Word** **Sewn** (English) – **Hilado** (Spanish) Pronunciation: /ˈsoʊn/ (English) – /iˈlaðo/ (Spanish)**Definition**1. (Textile) to join or attach two pieces of fabric together using a needle and thread. 2. (Fashion) to create a garment by joining pieces of fabric together.**Definition Examples*** The seamstress sewed the torn fabric back together. – La costurera hiló el tejido rasgado de nuevo. * The tailor sewed the buttons onto the coat. – El sastre hiló los botones en el abrigo.**Synonyms*** English: + Stitched + Joined + Attached + Connected + Mended * Spanish: + Hilado (general) + Cosido (general) + Unido (general) + Asegurado (to secure or fix) + Reparado (to repair)**Antonyms*** English: + Torn + Seperated + Unattached + Uncoupled + Broken * Spanish: + Raspado (torn) + Desunido (separated) + Desacoplado (uncoupled) + Rotura (broken)**Examples*** The sewing machine quickly sewed the two pieces of fabric together. – La máquina de coser cosió rápidamente las dos piezas de tejido juntas. * She carefully sewed the buttons onto the shirt. – Ella cosió cuidadosamente los botones en la camisa. * The tailor sewed the holes in the jeans. – El sastre cosió las perchas en los pantalones.**Common Phrases*** “To sew on a button” (coser un botón) * “To mend a tear” (rehilar un rasgado) * “To sew something up” (coser algo)**Conjugations**| Tense | Conjugation | | — | — | | Present | yo hilo, tú hiles, él/ella/usted hila, nosotros/nosotras hilamos, vosotros/vosotras hilláis, ellos/ellas/ustedes hilen | | Past | yo hile, tú hileste, él/ella/usted hiló, nosotros/nosotras hilemos, vosotros/vosotras hilesteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes hilieron | | Future | yo hilaré, tú hilarás, él/ella/usted hilará, nosotros/nosotras hilarémos, vosotros/vosotras hilaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes hilarán |**Word of the Day*** **Hilado**: to sew or join two pieces of fabric together. * Example: El costurero hiló la tela rasgada de nuevo. (The seamstress sewed the torn fabric back together.)Note: Conjugations are provided for the verb “hilar” (to sew) in Spanish.Please let me know if this meets your requirements or if you need any further modifications!