Sew English to Spanish Translation


1. (Verb) (General)

Sew ( Verb) – (to join or attach something by stitches)

— Can you Sew this tear in my shirt?

2. (Verb) (Stitch or Join) (General)

Sew ( Verb) – (to join or attach something by stitches)

— Did you Sew the two pieces of fabric together?

Synonyms for Sew

to sew – 🔊 to join – 🔊 to connect – 🔊 to stitch – 🔊

Antonyms for Sew

to untie – 🔊 to disconnect – 🔊 to separate – 🔊

Examples of Sew

I will sew a new button on your shirt.Voy a conseguir un nuevo botón en tu camisa.
The tailor will sew the two pieces of fabric together.El sastre conseguirá las dos piezas de tela juntas.
She likes to sew her own clothes.Ella gusta coser sus propias ropas.
The seamstress is sewing a new dress.La costurera está conseguindo un vestido nuevo.

Common Phrases

“to sew something up”“conutar algo”
“to sew in a straight line”“conutar en línea recta”

Conjugations for “Sew

Presentyo coso, tú coses, él/ella/usted cose, nosotros/nosotras cosimos, vosotros/vosotras coséis, ellos/ellas/ustedes cosen
Pastyo cosí, tú cosiste, él/ella/usted cosplayó, nosotros/nosotras cosimos, vosotros/vosotras cosisteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes cosieron
Futureyo cosaré, tú cosarás, él/ella/usted cosará, nosotros/nosotras cosaremos, vosotros/vosotras cosaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes cosarán

Word of the Day

Sew – to join or attach something by stitches

Usage: Can you Sew this tear in my shirt?