Security English to Spanish Translation

Here is the bilingual HTML translation for the word “Security” from English to Spanish.**Word*** Word: **Security** (English) / **Seguridad** (Spanish) * Pronunciation: /ˈsɛkjʊrɪti/ (English) /seh-geh-oo-REH-dahd/ (Spanish)**Definition*** **Security** (English): + 1. The state of being protected or safe. + 2. A system or measure taken to prevent or deter unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. + 3. In computer science, security refers to the protection of computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, use, modification, or destruction. * **Seguridad** (Spanish): + 1. El estado de ser protegido o seguro. + 2. Un sistema o medida tomada para prevenir o impedir el acceso no autorizado, uso, divulgación, interrupción, modificación o destrucción. + 3. En informática, seguridad se refiere a la protección de sistemas y redes computarizadas contra el acceso no autorizado, uso, modificación o destrucción.**Synonyms*** English: protection, safe, secure, defense, safeguard * Spanish: protección, seguro, segura, defensa, salvaguarda**Antonyms*** English: danger, risk, vulnerability, weakness, insecurity * Spanish: peligro, riesgo, vulnerabilidad, debilidad, falta de seguridad**Examples*** English: + The company invested heavily in security measures to protect its employees and assets. + The government takes the security of its citizens very seriously. + The firewall is a crucial security component of our network. * Spanish: + La empresa invertió significativamente en medias de seguridad para proteger a sus empleados y activos. + El gobierno toma muy en serio la seguridad de sus ciudadanos. + La pared de fuego es un componente crítico de seguridad de nuestra red.**Common Phrases*** English: “To ensure security” * Spanish: “Para asegurar la seguridad”**Conjugations*** If applicable, this section will be added.**Word of the Day*** **Seguridad** (Spanish): SecurityNote: This translation is just an example and may not be perfect. It’s always recommended to consult with a native speaker or a professional translation service for accurate and reliable translations.