Retired English to Spanish Translation

Retired (in English) 🔊
Retirado (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (withdrawn from active work or life) (General)

a. retired (m) (One who has stopped working or is no longer employed.)

— She retired from her job at the age of 65.

2. (relating to a former employee or military personnel) (general)

b. retired (m) (A person who has stopped working or is no longer employed.)

— The retired general spoke at the ceremony.

3. (relating to a former profession or occupation) (general)

c. retired (m) (A person who has stopped practicing a profession or occupation.)

— The retired lawyer now volunteers at a local non-profit.

Synonyms for retired

retired (m) – retirado 🔊 jubilado (m) – jubilado 🔊 desocupado (m) – desocupado 🔊 ex funcionario (m) – ex funcionario 🔊 anciano (m) – anciano 🔊 viejo (m) – viejo 🔊

Antonyms for retired

active (m) – activo 🔊 ocupado (m) – ocupado 🔊 joven (m) – joven 🔊 empresa (f) – empresa 🔊 nuevo (m) – nuevo 🔊 laboral (m) – laboral 🔊

Examples of retired

He retired from his job at age 65.Él se retiró de su trabajo a los 65 años.
She is a retired teacher.Ella es una maestra retirada.
He’s a retired general.Él es un general retirado.

Common Phrases

“To retire at a young age”“Retirarse a una edad joven”
“To be retired from work”“Ser retirado del trabajo”

Conjugations for “retire

Presentyo retiro, tú retiras, él/ella/usted retira, nosotros/nosotras retiramos, vosotros/vosotras retiráis, ellos/ellas/ustedes retiran
Pastyo retiré, tú retiraste, él/ella/usted retiró, nosotros/nosotras retiramos, vosotros/vosotras retirasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes retiraron
Futureyo retiraré, tú retirarás, él/ella/usted retirará, nosotros/nosotras retiraremos, vosotros/vosotras retiraréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes retirarán

Word of the Day

retirado – retired

Usage: The retired couple travels extensively throughout the world during their free time. – La pareja retirada viaja extensivamente por todo el mundo durante su tiempo libre.