Reign English to Spanish Translation


1. (Domino Effect) (General)

Reign(To hold a position of power or dominance, often for a specific period of time.)

— The new ruler will reign for the next five years.

Synonyms for Reign

government – el gobierno 🔊 dominion – el dominio 🔊 power – el poder 🔊 leadership – el liderazgo 🔊 hegemony – la hegemonía 🔊 empire – el imperio 🔊

Antonyms for Reign

tyranny – el despotismo 🔊 subordination – la subordinación 🔊 weak leadership – un liderazgo débil 🔊 foreign domination – la dominación extranjera 🔊 rebellion – la revuelta 🔊

Examples of Reign

The queen will reign for the next decade.La reina gobernará durante la próxima década.
He has been the CEO for the past five years and will reign until next year.Ha sido el CEO durante los últimos cinco años yará hasta el próximo año.
The empire will reign supreme for centuries.El imperio gobernará supremo durante siglos.
She has reigned supreme as the queen of pop music.Ha reino supremo como la reina de la música pop.

Common Phrases

“The king is dead, long live the king”“El rey ha muerto, ¡viva el rey!”
“Actium has been removed, and Brutus will reign supreme.”“Actium ha sido derrocado, y Bruto reinará supremo.”
“The reign of terror has ended.”“La época de terror ha terminado.”

Word of the Day

Reign – to hold a position of power or dominance, often for a specific period of time.