Protest English to Spanish Translation


1. Public Declaration of Discontent or Opposition

Protest – protesta (n)

A formal public declaration of discontent or opposition, typically in opposition to a government or government policy.

— The peaceful protest in the city center drew thousands of people.

2. Act of Openly Expressing One’s Objections

Protest – protestar (v)

To act openly in expressing one’s objections or disapproval; to demonstrate against something.

— She protested the decision by speaking out against it in public.

Synonyms for Protest

demonstration – manifestación 🔊 objection – objeción 🔊 reprisal – represalia 🔊 concern – concern 🔊 rebelling – rebeldía 🔊 enignant – enfadado 🔊 dissatisfied – descontento 🔊

Antonyms for Protest

support – apoyo 🔊 acceptance – aceptación 🔊 commitment – compromiso 🔊 silence – silencio 🔊 consensus – consenso 🔊

Examples of Protest

The protesters marched through the city streets, demanding justice.Los manifestantes marcharon por las calles de la ciudad, demandando justicia.
The group held a peaceful protest outside the government building.El grupo held un protesta pacífica enfrente de la edificio del gobierno.
She is protesting the company’s decision to lay off employees.Está protestando la decisión de la empresa de despedir a empleados.
The students organized a sit-in protest at the university administration building.Los estudiantes organizaron un sit-in protest en la edificio de administración de la universidad.

Common Phrases

“To take a stand”“Tomar una posición”
“To speak out”“Hablar en voz alta”
“To make a dissenting voice heard”“Hacerse oír con una voz disidente”

Conjugations for “Protest

Presentprotesto, protestas, protesta, protestamos, protestáis, protestan
Pastprotesté, protestaste, protestó, protestamos, protestasteis, protestaron
Futureprotestaré, protestarás, protestará, protestaremos, protestaréis, protestarán

Word of the Day

manifestación – demonstration

Usage: The city has banned all manifestations in the city center after last week’s riots. – La ciudad ha prohibido todas las manifestaciones en el centro de la ciudad después de los disturbios de la semana perdida.