Preach English to Spanish Translation



a. preach (v.) (pronunciation: /priːtʃ/)

— The minister will preach at the church on Sunday.


1. (Religious Context)

b. predicar (v.) (to proclaim the gospel or a sermon)

— El pastor predicó un sermón apasionante en la iglesia.

2. (Informal Context)

c. predicar (v.) (to talk or speak publicly about something)

— El político comenzó a predicar sobre la importancia de la educación pública.

Synonyms for “Preach”

promulgar – promulgar 🔊 proclamar – proclamar 🔊 declamar – declamar 🔊 predicar – predicar 🔊 proferir – proferir 🔊

Antonyms for “Preach”

callar – callar 🔊 amar – amar 🔊 ignorar – ignorar 🔊 negligenciar – negligenciar 🔊 obviar – obviar 🔊

Examples of “Preach”

The minister will preach at the church on Sunday.El pastor predicará en la iglesia el domingo.
She loves to preach about the importance of self-care.Ella le encanta predicar sobre la importancia del autocuidado.
He’s always preaching to his friends about the dangers of smoking.Él siempre predica a sus amigos sobre los peligros del fumar.
The teacher will preach about the importance of respecting others.La maestra predicará sobre la importancia de respetar a los demás.

Common Phrases

“Preach to the choir”“Predicar a los predilectos”
“Preach to the converted”“Predicar a los convertidos”

Conjugations for “Preach”

Presentpredico, predicas, predica, predicamos, predicáis, predicán
Pastprediqué, predicastes, predicó, predicamos, predicastis, predicaron
Futurepredicaré, predicarás, predicará, predicaremos, predicaréis, predicarán

Word of the Day

preach – to proclaim or speak publicly about something

Usage: The minister will preach at the church on Sunday. – El pastor predicará en la iglesia el domingo.