Neglect English to Spanish Translation

Neglect (in English) 🔊
Descuidar (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (General) (General)

Neglect (The act of paying no attention to something that requires attention.)

— It’s neglect on the part of the government to ignore the needs of the environment.

2. (Psychology) (General)

Neglect (To fail to provide necessary care, attention, or support.)

— The child’s emotional neglect by his parents has caused permanent damage.

3. (Finance) (General)

Neglect (To fail to attend to one’s financial responsibilities.)

— He fell into debt due to his neglect of his financial obligations.

4. (Medical) (General)

Neglect (The failure to provide necessary medical care or attention.)

— His neglect of his diabetes has led to serious complications.

Synonyms for Neglect

Ignore – Descuidar 🔊 Overlook – Omitir 🔊 Neglect – Negligir 🔊 Dismiss – Tratar con indiferencia 🔊 Disregard – No atender 🔊

Antonyms for Neglect

Care – Cuidar 🔊 Attend – Atender 🔊 Prioritize – Priorizar 🔊 Supervise – Supervisar 🔊 Help – Ayudar 🔊

Examples of Neglect

The company showed neglect in addressing the employee’s concerns.La empresa demostró descuido al addressed las preocupaciones del empleado.
His neglect of his health led to serious complications.El descuido de su salud llevó a complicaciones graves.
She felt neglected by her partner and decided to end the relationship.Se sintió abandonada por su pareja y decidió terminar la relación.
The government’s neglect of the environment has led to a decline in air quality.El descuido del gobierno con el medio ambiente ha llevado a una disminución en la calidad del aire.
The company’s neglect of its employees’ feedback led to a decline in morale.El descuido de la empresa con la retroalimentación de sus empleados llevó a una disminución en la moral.

Common Phrases

“Neglect the signs of wear and tear”“Descuidar los signos de desgaste y deterioro”
“Neglect your responsibilities”“Descuidar sus responsabilidades”
“Show neglect towards someone”“Mostrar descuido hacia alguien”
“Be neglectful of something”“Ser descuidado con algo”

Conjugations for “Neglect

Presentyo descuido, tú descuidas, él/ella/usted descuida, nosotros/nosotras descuidamos, vosotros/vosotras descuidáis, ellos/ellas/ustedes descuidan
Pastyo descuidé, tú descuidaste, él/ella/usted descuidó, nosotros/nosotras descuidamos, vosotros/vosotras descuidasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes descuidaron
Futureyo descuidaré, tú descuidarás, él/ella/usted descuidará, nosotros/nosotras descuidaremos, vosotros/vosotras descuidaréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes descuidarán

Word of the Day

Descuidar – to neglect

Usage: She felt neglected by her partner and decided to end the relationship. – Se sintió abandonada por su pareja y decidió terminar la relación.