Favourite English to Spanish Translation

Favourite (in English) 🔊
Favorito (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (General) (General)

a. el favorito (m) (A person, place, or thing that one prefers or likes the most.)

— El favorito es un restaurante muy popular en la zona.

2. (Slang) (Preferred Person) (United States)

b. el querido/a (m/f) (Someone close to you.)

— Mi querido/a es muy divertido.

3. (General) (General)

c. la opción preferida (f) (The preferred choice or option.)

— La opción preferida es siempre la más segura.

4. (Music) (General)

d. la canción favorita (f) (A person’s favorite song or track.)

— Mi canción favorita es “Stairway to Heaven” de Led Zeppelin.

Synonyms for Favourite

Preferable – preferido Close – querido Appreciated – apreciado Respected – estimado Admired – admirado Valued – valorado

Antonyms for Favourite

Unpleasant – desagradable Abhorrent – odioso Disapproved – desaprobado Rejected – rechazado Unwanted – indeseable

Examples of Favourite

This is my favourite book.Este es mi libro favorito.
She’s my favourite niece.Es mi sobrina querida.
I have a favourite coffee shop.Tengo un café favorito.
Her favourite activity is hiking.Su actividad favorita es la escalada.
This is the favourite painting in the museum.Es la pintura favorita en el museo.

Common Phrases

“My favourite things in life are…”“Mis cosas favoritas en la vida son…”
“What’s your favourite colour?”“¿Cuál es tu color favorito?”
“I love my favourite foods.”“Me encantan mis comidas favoritas.”
“This is my favourite song.”“Esto es mi canción favorita.”

Conjugations for “Favourite


Word of the Day

favorito – favourite

Usage: My favourite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird”. – Mi libro favorito es “Matar a un ruiseñor”.

—**Word**:* English: Favourite * Spanish: Favorito * Pronunciation: /ˈfævərɪt/ (FAV-uh-rit) and /fad̪oˈri.to/ (fah-voh-REE-toh)**Definition**:1. (General) A person, place, or thing that one prefers or likes the most. 2. (Slang) (Preferred Person) Someone close to you. 3. (General) The preferred choice or option. 4. (Music) A person’s favorite song or track.Examples:* This is my favourite book. * She’s my favourite niece. * I have a favourite coffee shop. * Her favourite activity is hiking. * This is the favourite painting in the museum.**Synonyms**:* Preferable * Close * Appreciated * Respected * Admired * Valued**Antonyms**:* Unpleasant * Abhorrent * Disapproved * Rejected * Unwanted**Examples**:* This is my favourite book. * She’s my favourite niece. * I have a favourite coffee shop. * Her favourite activity is hiking. * This is the favourite painting in the museum.**Common Phrases**:* My favourite things in life are… * What’s your favourite colour? * I love my favourite foods. * This is my favourite song. * Esto es mi canción favorita.**Conjugations**:No conjugations for “favourite”.**Word of the Day**:* Word: favorito * Meaning: Favourite * Usage: My favourite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird”. – Mi libro favorito es “Matar a un ruiseñor”.