Elder brother English to Spanish Translation


1. (Family Relationship) (General)

Elder brother(The older of two brothers.)

— She respects her elder brother for his wisdom and guidance.

2. (Age) (General)

Elder brother(Someone younger than oneself, but older than others.)

— My younger brother looks up to his elder brother for advice.

Synonyms for Elder brother

older brother – hermano mayor 🔊 elder – mayor 🔊 senior – mayor 🔊 eldest – mayor 🔊

Antonyms for Elder brother

younger brother – hermano menor 🔊 younger – joven 🔊 junior – joven 🔊 younger one – menor 🔊

Examples of Elder brother

The elder brother took on a responsible role in the family.El hermano mayor asumió un papel responsable en la familia.
The younger sister looked up to her elder brother for guidance.La hermana menor se dirigió a su hermano mayor por consejo.

Common Phrases

“Elder brother, take care of our younger brother.”“Hermano mayor, cuida al hermano menor.”

Conjugations for “Elder brother

(default)hermano mayor – elder brother

Word of the Day

– elder brother

Usage: My elder brother always looks out for me. – Mi hermano mayor siempre se preocupa por mí.