Deity English to Spanish Translation



A supernatural being believed in and worshipped as having more than natural power

Deity (n.) – (Ser divino)

— In many cultures, a deity is believed to have control over the universe.

A being or object of worship, especially a god or goddess in a polytheistic religion

Deity (n.) – (Ser objeto de adoración)

— In Hinduism, the deity Brahma is often depicted with four heads.

Synonyms for Deity

God Goddess Supreme Being Higher Power Divine Being Numen

Antonyms for Deity

Human Animal Mortal Sinister Immoral Athiest

Examples of Deity

The ancient Greeks believed in many deities, each with their own realm.Los griegos antiguos creían en muchas divinidades, cada una con su propio reino.
The deity was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians.La divinidad era adorada por los antiguos egipcios.
The Hindu deity Shiva is often depicted with a third eye.La divinidad hindú Shivá es a menudo representada con un ojo en la frente.
The deity was believed to have the power to heal the sick.La divinidad se creía que tenía el poder de curar a los enfermos.

Common Phrases

“In the eyes of the deity”“En los ojos del dios.”
“The deity is pleased”“El dios está satisfecho.”
“Deity of the universe”“Dios del universo.”

Conjugations for “Deity

Presentyo creo, tú crees, él/ella/usted cree, nosotros/nosotras creemos, vosotros/vosotras creéis, ellos/ellas/ustedes creen
Pastyo creí, tú creaste, él/ella/usted creó, nosotros/nosotras creamos, vosotros/vosotras creasteis, ellos/ellas/ustedes crearon
Futureyo creeré, tú creerás, él/ella/usted creará, nosotros/nosotras crearemos, vosotros/vosotras creeréis, ellos/ellas/ustedes crearon

Word of the Day

Deity – Deity

Usage: In many cultures, a deity is believed to have control over the universe. – En muchas culturas, una divinidad se creía que tenía control sobre el universo.