Bureau English to Spanish Translation

Bureau (in English) 🔊
Buro (in Spanish) 🔊


1. (Administrative Office) (General)

a. Bureau (n) (A bureau is a piece of furniture with a flat top and drawers, used for storage and organization.)

— The study has a large bureau for storing books and documents.

2. (Business Meeting) (General)

b. Reunión de empresas (f) (A business meeting is a formal discussion between representatives of different companies.)

— The bureau of the American company is located in New York City.

3. (Government Agency) (General)

c. Departamento gubernamental (m) (A government agency is an organization that has been established by a government to handle a specific task.)

— The bureau of immigration is responsible for processing visa applications.

4. (Furniture) (General)

d. Bureau (n) (A bureaus is a piece of furniture with a flat top and drawers, used for storage and organization.)

— The bedroom has a small bureau for storing clothes and accessories.

5. (Mathematics) (General)

e. Calculo (m) (In mathematics, a bureau is the result of dividing a number by itself.)

— The bureau of 4 is 2.

6. (Social Context) (Conservative or Conventional Person) (General)

f. tradicionalista (m) (A bureau is a person who is conservative or conventional in their views and behavior.)

— She’s a bit of a bureau when it comes to fashion.

7. (Building) (With Four Sides of Equal Length) (General)

g. Edificio cuadrado (m) (A bureau is a building with four sides of equal length.)

— The new office building has a large bureau with a flat roof.

Synonyms for bureau

Bureau (n) – el Bureau 🔊 Office – el Despacho 🔊 Secretary – la Secretaria 🔊 Desk – el Escritoire 🔊 Cabinet – el Gabinete 🔊 Study – el Estudio 🔊

Antonyms for bureau

Casual – el Casual 🔊 Flexible – el Flexible 🔊 Open – el Abierto 🔊 Relaxed – el Relajado 🔊

Examples of bureau

The small bureau in the living room has a large mirror. – El pequeño Bureau en el salón tiene un gran espejo.El mesa del bureau en el despacho tiene un ordenador y una pluma.
The bureau in the bedroom is where I keep my clothes and accessories. – El Bureau en la habitación es donde guardo mis ropas y accesorios.El bureau enfrente de la mesa tiene una escritura y un lápiz.
The office has a large bureau with several drawers. – La oficina tiene un gran Bureau con varios cajones.El bureau en el salón es donde se reúnen los miembros del consejo.
Don’t be too formal, be like a bureau and relax. – No seas demasiado formal, sé como un Bureau y relajate.La directora del bureau me dio una charla sobre la importancia de la puntualidad.

Common Phrases

“To be a square peg in a round hole”“Ser como un pulpo en un garaje”
“Square the circle”“Cuadrar el círculo”
“Back to square one”“Volver a empezar de cero”
“Square up to someone”“Hacerle frente a alguien”
“Fair and square”“De manera justa y correcta”

Conjugations for “Bureau

Presentburo, bureas, burea, bureamos, bureáis, burean
Pastbureé, bureaste, bureó, bureamos, bureasteis, burearon
Futureburo, burearás, bureará, burearemos, burearéis, burearán

Word of the Day

bureau – (Administrative Office)

Usage: The company has a large bureau in the city. – La empresa tiene un gran Bureau en la ciudad.