How to Change YouTube Channel Name

Your YouTube channel can be renamed, and the process is quite simple. By reading this article you’ll get to know how to change YouTube Channel name.

Changing the name on YouTube is not that tough to perform. But in case you tried changing the name from your Google Account, then the name on the other apps will also get changed. Though users can change either on the desktop or on the smartphones, as per their access.

The YouTube channel name is almost the own self of the famous platform for content creation. People can get various subscribers as well as views on YouTube. Therefore, it is in actuality much necessary to get the name of the  YouTube channel which everywhere will see there.

How To Change YouTube Channel Name

Here are the procedures for changing the name on YouTube.

On Smartphone

Step 1

Begin with the opening of the YouTube app. Click on the icon of YouTube, which appears like a triangle of white color on the background of red.

Firstly make sure that you are signed in to YouTube. If not, then select the account and then enter the email along with the password to proceed further.

Step 2

Now click on the icon of your profile. It appears in the circle on the right side to the corner. A menu will occur on the screen.

Step 3

If the users want to change the name of the channel to a different form, then after logging in, click on the right side of the channel. It is on the upper side of the screen. After that, click on the name visible on that channel that you want to edit.

Then click on the icon of the profile again to open the menu. It will take a few moments to let the channels appear on the menu.

Step 4

Click on my channel option. It is available on the rightward top side of the top menu.

Step 5

Go to the settings option that is visible as the gear app. It is on the right side of the given name of the channel.

Step 6

Now click on the edit icon available on the right side of the current name. After that the use of the on-screen keyboard the changing of the name as per the need.

It is necessary to understand that the name can be changed only in 90 days. By clicking on the edit icon a window will appear on the screen of the device.

Step 7

After that, click on the tick option which is available on the right side to the corner of the given page. It will let you get the updating done of your name on the channel.

Though it will take some moments for displaying the name everywhere. Click on the OK button visible on the downward side of the window.

On Desktop

Step 1

Firstly, open Youtube on your desktop. Users have to visit the website of in their web browsers. It will let them open the home page of YouTube.

Step 2

Click on the icon of your profile. It is visible as the circular form of an icon on the right top side of the given page. A menu will occur on the screen. If the sign-in option is visible on the screen, then click on it and enter the email along with the password there. Then click on your profile icon of yours.

Step 3

Go to the settings option. It is available at the center of the given menu. It will open the YouTube settings page on your screen.

Step 4

Do the selection of the different channels if needed. If the logging in is done on the different channels on which you want to do the editing, then do click on the icon of your profile that is on the right upward side of the given page.

After that, click on the channel name on which you want to do the editing. Few moments are needed here for the display of other channels on the menu.

Step 5

Now click on the edit on Google option. It is available as a link which is to the right side of the profile image on Your YouTube channel option. It will now open the window on your screen.

Step 6

In the center of the given window on your screen, in the given text box, write there the name which you want thereof yours. Remember once again that this is the only name that you want further for about 90 days.

Step 7

Now click on the OK button. It is available on the downward side of the window.

Step 8

Now do that by tapping on the change name option when it appears on the screen. It will confirm the changing of your name and will then save the settings made by you.

The updating of your channel is now completed. A few moments have required updating the channel name everywhere. Afterward, do the checking by opening YouTube again and then seeing whether your changed name appears there or not.

Things To Remember

Other than changing the name on your YouTube, there are many necessary things that you must remember. The name that appears on your channel is exact which is on your Google account. Therefore, if you will change one name, then all will get changed.

If the account Google is in management by someone else, then in that case also you are not allowed to do the necessary changes on your YouTube channel.

Along with the changing of the name, if the users find any of the content which they have uploaded is something discriminating against the values of YouTube authority, then do the changing of it. Users can delete it and can make their YouTube much better and more fine.

I hope this information on changing the name of the YouTube channel has given much understanding to the readers. For more related articles read our how to change AirDrop Name and you can also read this how to change Spotify Username – step by step and many more.